Wednesday, May 31, 2023

High Life 2018 Full Movie Online Free

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High Life: A Science Fiction Movie with a Twist

High Life is a 2018 science fiction movie directed by French director, Claire Denis. The story takes place in the deep space where a group of prisoners are serving their sentence on a spaceship, initially created to explore black holes. But things did not go as planned, and the prisoners’ lives took an unexpected turn.

The movie features an ensemble cast including Robert Pattinson, Juliette Binoche, Mia Goth, and Andre Benjamin (also known as Andre 3000). They all deliver powerful performances that will keep you on the edge of your seat throughout the film.

High Life Cast

The Plot

The story follows Monte (Robert Pattinson), a death row inmate who is sent into space along with other criminals as part of an experimental mission to harness energy from a black hole. The mission is led by Dr. Dibs (Juliette Binoche), who has her own ulterior motives for being on board.

As the crew delves deeper into space and further away from Earth, they face various challenges related to their own mortality, isolation, and madness. Monte tries his best to keep himself sane while taking care of his baby daughter alone in space.

High Life Plot

The Characters

The characters in High Life are complex and multifaceted. Each one of them has their own backstory that contributes to the suspense of the plot. Monte, in particular, is an enigmatic character whose life story is gradually revealed throughout the movie.

Dr. Dibs, on the other hand, represents the dark side of human nature and her obsession with reproduction is both creepy and fascinating to watch. Andre Benjamin’s character Tcherny serves as a relatable voice of reason amidst all the chaos.

High Life Characters

The Cinematography

Claire Denis’ exquisite direction and Yorick Le Saux’s stunning cinematography work in harmony to create a hauntingly beautiful visual language for the film. The colors are muted and washed-out, adding to the bleakness of space where there is no escape from the monotony of daily life.

The use of light and shadow play an integral role in highlighting the characters’ emotions and inner turmoil. The camera movements are subtle yet impactful, contributing to the overall atmosphere of suspense and dread that prevails throughout High Life.

High Life Cinematography

The Soundtrack

The music in High Life is atmospheric and eerie, often resembling white noise that adds to the overall feeling of disorientation that permeates through space. Stuart Staples’ score captures both the beauty and terror of deep space exploration.

One particular standout scene features Mia Goth’s character Elektra stripping down to a sensual song by Tindersticks that contrasts with her desperate need for human connection amidst all the emptiness around her.

High Life Soundtrack

The Verdict

High Life is a movie that will stick with you long after the credits have rolled. It is a beautifully crafted piece of science fiction that delves deep into the human psyche. The performances are strong, and the visuals are stunning.

The ending may not be to everyone’s liking, and some may find it slow-paced or pretentious. However, for those looking for a unique take on science fiction, High Life is definitely worth checking out.

Overall, the film manages to combine elements of horror, suspense, and drama in an unconventional way that sets it apart from other space-themed movies. It offers a glimpse into a future that is both bleak and fascinating at the same time.

High Life Verdict

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